First QSLs in 2025:

Unique Gold, Wijchen 675  e, v/s Hans Coenen

Varia FM, Elim 1395 via WA from Radio 95, which programme was transmitted on 31st of December

Columbia AM, Aalst 1395 e-mail, v/s Gert

Radiofo̱nikós Stathmós Amaliádas, Kastro 1584 for f-up via FM via Messenger

Hubei Xinwen Zhonghe Guangbo, Qianjiang HB 1053

Hubei Xinwen Zonghe Gaungbo, Jingmen HB 1566

Húběi Nóngcūn Guǎngbō, Xiantoa HB 1125 e in Chinese

JOOG NHK1 Obihiro 603  e, using the NHK report form

ZYH526 R Educadora, Ribeira do Pombal BA 1560 via Instagram, station is now on FM

KGEM Boise ID 1140 e in 5 years without f-up, v/s Thomas Lowther, Engineering Manager, Salt & Light Radio, Inc..  However they had already answered 5 years ago.

WJMK Bridgeport MI 1250 Philip Bernstein station owner sent e-mail and audio clip.  I had received verification already last year.

WLAK Amery WI 1260, e v/s Kory Hartman, VP Broadcast Operations. TNX TIK!

WLQY Hollywood FL 1320, e, v/s Rick Santos, Senior VP Integrated Marketing Solutions


Last QSLs of the year 

RNE RN Salamanca 855 Nice e-QSL, pictures of transmitting station, local and regional program schedule, tnx v/s Muricio Molano

RNE R5 Ponferrada 1107  e

Antena 1, Portalegre 1287 now I have all MW Portuguese stations QSLed. This one was the most difficult, e-QSL, Might be FFF.  v/s Paula Carvalho, Engenharia, Sistemas e Tecnologia

Akashvani Madurai 1269 e from Madurai

Akashvani Kota 1413 e directly from Kota

RRI Singaraja 1080  heard with good signal at AIH190 DX-pedition last October.  Now I received e- mail with long letter in English.  Pdf file was attaced with letter signed by director of RRI Singaraja Wapetrida Novi Heraj anti S.H.

LU32 R Colonel Olavarría, Olavarría BA 1160 answered via WA and sent greetings on air.

WJMK Bridgeport MI 1250 e-mail

WLEC Sandusky OH 1450 via Messenger

Radio 90, Rybnik -tx 90.0  Replied via Messenger

Radio 7 , Rostov-na-Donu -tx 89.4 e-mail for report sent in 2019. “We found your letter in a mailbox that almost no one uses”

 Recent QSLs:

R Signal, Kaunas/Sitkūnai 666  e-QSL, tnx IKA

Radio Lenta, Sitkunai 1557 e-QSL

RNE R5 Cáceres 1107 e, v/s Miguel Ángel Pulido Rodríguez, Adj. Medios RTVE C.T. Extremadura

R Algerie Coran, Djanet 756  FB

NMA Al-Quran al-Karim, Bawiti  1341 &

NMA Al-Barnameg al-Aam, Kharga  1368  &

NMA El Minya 1476 e-QSL

Yaan Kraw 540, Bangkok 540 &

Yaan Kraw, Saraburi 1305 e, v/s Pattanapong​  Polsuh.  I sent first reception report to Yan Kraw already  in 1998.

Radio Algerie Chaine 1, Djebel Dirah tx 90.2 &

Radio Algerie Chaine 1, Djelfa 88.0  FB


Regional R, Rieti 1440 via Messenger, promise for QSL card

RNE RN Alicante 729 e, v/s Trinidad Soler Galvez. I had earlier QSL from their regional program of Comunidad Valencian, now for local Alicante program.

RNE RN Castellón 801 e-mail

ZYK591 Radio Boa Nova, Guarulhos, SP 1450 e-mail

JODG NHK1 Hamamatsu 576  e-mail from Nagoya. I had heard Nagoya regional proram. My 66th MW Japan QSL.

JONK NHK1 Nagano 819 japanese style non-QSL letter, stickers postcards

HLCW KBS Wonju 1152 email from Wonju  My 31st  MW Korea QSL

Radio HIT, Brčko,  Majevica -tx 89.6, e-mail v/s Svjetlana Djuric .TNX TPM

LR2 Riga, Kaltiķi x 101.3.  e, TNX TPM

Radio SuperNova. Krosno-tx. 92.6  FB, v/s Paweł Wiszniewski


New QSLs

Radio Metropolis, Trieste 1503  Messenger

Hénán Xìnxī Guǎngbō, Liyang/Huangchuan/Nanyang/Shangqiu/Zhoukou   603  &

Hénán Nongcun Guangbo, Lingyang HA 1332 e in English for report in Chinese

DYFM Bombo R, Iloilo 837  e

Phon Neung Ror Or, Bangkok. “Kong Phon Thii Neung Raksaa Phra Ong” 837 &

Phon Neung Ror Or, Bangkok. 1422  Messenger verification in Thai, asked picture of radio and antenna

HO--- R Avivamiento, Panamá 1530 e for f-up, v/s Mabelaine Del Cid, Gerente

LRA21 R Nacional, Santiago del Estero 1130 e, v/s Diego Pazos Prados, Productor de Radio Nacional Santiago del Estero.  Their local porgrammes are: “Para escuchar programación local de Santiago del Estero debería lograr sintonizar nuestra frecuencia de lunes a viernes entre las 10am y las 12 y entre las 15 y las 23 ya que en el resto de los horarios escuchará programación producida y emitida desde nuestra cabecera en la ciudad de Buenos Aires”.

LRA20 R Nacional, Las Lomitas 1270 e,v/s Jose Torres,-LRA 20 RN Las Lomitas

OBU2A R Tropicalisima, Trujillo 1540 via Messenger

Radio 6. Hesdin tx. 90.6. Nicolas Venie, Directeur Technique de Radio 6 answered without f-up for my report form June 2022.  Nice e-QSL with lots of pictures.

HRT R Sljeme, Zagreb 88.1, e, v/s Ivan Hlupić asked to record a story how their station was heard in Finland

Suðurland FM, Vestmannaeyjabæ -tx 93.3 e for f-up, vs Einar Björnsson, Framkvæmdastjóri / CEO. TNX JMS

BBC Radio Cumbria ,Sandale tx 95.6 e, v/s  Jonathan Morrell, Executive Producer.

 Most new QSLs still from FM, but AM seson is to begin soon.  Hopefully solar activity does not totally ruin AM conditions.  My first meteor FM QSL came from Poland

HJGH Radio Tropicana, Bucaramanga 1120 very polite e-mail from Jhon Jairo Florez Jaramillo, Director de Radio Tropicana

Wor Sor Sor - Witthayu Seuksaa, Bangkok 1161 via Messenger for f-upr Asiawaves tells: Closed down from 1 Jan 2022, and now on FM 92.0 MHz only

Radio Algérie Internationale , Akfadou tx 95.0  I heard several Algerian stations on 13 June 2023.  Now got verificatio for f-up,  tnx MTM

Radio Regenbogen, Mannheim 100.4 letter, v/s Tom Nitzschse, Supervisor

Latvijas Kristigais Radio, Kuldiga -tx 98.5 Messenger, v/s Inga Skuja

Radio SWH, Riga 105.2  e-mail., v/s Arta Veigure, Office manager

DasDing (SWR), Weinbiet 102.2 real QSL card

Smile FM Moldova, Leova (LV)  89.9  Messenger

PR R Szczecin, Szczecin -tx 92.0 Messenger, my first Meteorite reflection QSL

Radio Zielona Góra. Zielona Góra  97.1, letter and notepad

Radio ZU Comănești,  Comănești tx 90.3I heard local announcement for Comanesti,  e  v/s Tony Tesiu,  Programs Director. TNX VEH

Krayina FM Odesa. Odesa 91.0 I heard local commercial and announcement for Odesa. Progrm director Роман Давидов sent e-mail verification


FM season here is almost over, hopefully still some Es-opening in August.  So far this  season has been here much better than last summer -   e.g. best Italy opening I've ever come across.  

R Blacksmith Knoll, Pori 6120 transmitting on old Radio Finland frequency,  veryt nice e-QSL, v/s Operator Marco Johansson

BBC Radio York 666, Fulford 666  &

BBC Radio York 1260, Scarborough 1260 e for f-up dating back to 2020 when these transmitters were shut down and transmitting separate announcements

JONB NHK2 Nagano 1467 had to do customs declaration before the letter was sent to me.  It contained stickers, postcards, my letter and CD returned and a letter where they e.g. told that no QSLs are anymore issued.

MDR 1 Radio Sachsen Leipzig. Leipzig tx 93.9 QSL-card

Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Bonn   99.9 e, v/s Miriam Brück. Redaktionsassistenz has spent many summer vacations in Finland

BBC Radio Norfolk

95.6  Messsenger verification and e-mail form the presenter  who was on air, Kayleigh Poacher,  Daytime Presenter

BBC R Cambridgeshire 96.0  2 e,v/s Rod Brunton, Senior Operations Engineer  & Julian Keogh Team Lead, Operations Engineering

Greatest Hits Radio 99.9 e, v/s David Salt

Lor'FM, Briey-tx 97.2 Messenger verification

Radio Ananas. San Lorenzo in Campo (pu) -tx 97.1 e

Radio BCS. Chioggia (ve) -tx. 100.1  Messenger verification

RAI Isoradio 103.3 Messenger

Radio Wielkopolska. Chamkow tx 91.6  e

RTV-Radio Novi Sad 1, Subotica tx. 99.3 e


FM QSLs (and one from CA)

WWNA R Una, Aguadilla PR  1340 letter, postcard, sticker fom station director  Jensen Chaparro Garcia

ORF R Salzburg, Salzburg. 94.8 Messenger

Déclic FM 87.7 e, v/s Anne-Laure RICCI – Communication

Radio Bresse, Le Bourg 92.8 e-mail, v/s Lydie Lecuelle

SR3 Saarwelle, Biestal 89.1 e and PDF-QSL in Finnish, v/s Markus Kirst, Leitung Sachgebiet Programmverbreitung

NDR Info, Hamburg-tx 92.3 Real QSL card

Hellweg Radio, Soest 100.9  via WA, tnx KRV

Bremen Vier, Bremen 101.2 e-mail

NRW1 Köln, Bielefeld tx. 103.0 e, v/s Nina vom NRW1-Tean

Antenne Niedersachsen. Barsinghausen-tx. 103.8 e-mail and promise for real QSL, v/s Kristian Krakow, Hörerservic

big FM, Koblenz-tx. 104.0 e-mail and pdf-QSL  letter, v/s Mara

R Piterpan, Galzignano Terme tx 97.8 e-mail

Radio Zeta, Verruchio (rn) tx 99.1 e, v/s A Alessandro Palumbo, HF  Technical Unit

Radio Sound (Ferrara), Modigliana -tx. 104.9 e-mail, nice PDF-QSL attached

Radio Maria Südtirol. Hochpustertal -tx. 106.7 e-mail, v/s Christian Ortner. German language Maria in Italy.

Radio Latina,  Roost -tx. 91.7 e-mail form Gabriel Albardeiro, Technicien at this station broadcastingin Portuguese in Luxenbourg

Radio Puls, Grocka 88.7 Messenger  reply in Serbian

R BEO - Berner Oberland, Bern, 88.8 e, v/s Roger Schild, Leiter ICT + Technik. The station will continue on FM up to the end of 2016.

Bukovinski Khvylia, Chernivtsi (CV) 100.0 Messenger, long letter, station must be running with generator almost every day.  They made news from my listening of their station.

Heart Suffolk 96.4 e-mail



More FM QSLs (and couple on AM).  These stations were heard either on 29th May or 4th June when good sporadic E conditions prevailed for quite long time.

Greatest Hits R South Yorkshire, Doncaster 990 e, v/s David Salt. This station was closed down, but Greatest Hits Radio continues on FM

ZP9 Universo 970 e-mail, v/s Verónica Troche, Jefa admistrativa

Radio Sydhavsøerne. Nykøbing tx 87.8 Messenger, v/s Carsten Holst, Music chief

Skyrock 94.6 Messenger

SLR,  Næstved tx 98.1 Lars verified this Danish station by Messenger

Heart Northampton 96.6 &

Heart Wiltshire 97.2 e-mail, v/s Marcus Stuart,  Infrastructure Specialist, Database Platforms. He verified my report by e-mail but wrote that he cannot send proper QSL:  “Unfortunately, we are unable to send verification by post overseas.”

Radio SH. Bungsberg-tx 100.2 e-mail

Radio TON, Heilbronn 103.2 PDF-letter attached to Messenger message, v/s René Krämer, Programdirektor

CRo Ostrava, Ostrava. Valašské Meziříčí-tx 99.0 e, v/s Richard Piskala wrote in Finnish, TNX JMS

Energy,  Hamburg  tx 100.9 Messenger

LR3 Klasika,  Riga 103.7e-mail, v/s Anna Marta Burve , Latvian Radio 3

Studenckie Radio Zak, Łódź (LO) 88.8 e-mail v/s Adam Miksa, Deputy editor-in-chief for technical matters

SRR Radio Târgu Mures 98.9  e-QSL, v/s  Virgil Natea, chief editor, Radio Tg. Mures