Mostly FM QSLs from  Es-openings  on 25th of May and 10th of June.

HJJD NSE Radio, Medellín 1380 letter and information leaflets from hq in Spain

OCU4K NSE R, Lima 1180 letter

R Globus Guld, Rødekro tx  90.6 e v/s Kim Hansen

Radio Sisak, Sisak -tx.  89.4 e in Croatian

Hitrádio Černá Hora, Nachod tx 92.8 via FB, v/s Ždímal Tomáš, Moderátor and e v/s  Radek Mikeš

Best FM. Velence -tx 90.4 Messenger from this Hungarian station

Klasszik Rádió, Budapest 92.1 e in Hungarian, v/s Vastagh Zsolt, technikai vezető

Slavonski Radio, Našice tx 87.9 via FB

Radio Elka, Koscian -tx 88.0 e, v/s Roman Lewicki, Station Manager

Kalina Krasnaya,  Bryansk tx. 99.1 e in Russian, v/s Александр Карпенко

Главный редактор радиостанции «Калина Красная»

Rádio Liptov,  Ružomberok tx 92.4, I've pnce been in Liptov, so nice to hear thsi station. E,  v/s Silvia Bakkery.  Probably first in Finland

 Dani FM, Balakliya (KA) 99.3 via FB, in Finnish after two years. Heard on the 15th of August 2019 when it was heard for the first time in Finland.  They wrote that Balakliya was occupied by Russian forces and their station was bombed and the station is  now off the air.  They were confident that they will win and peace return.


All FM QSLs  from 25 May ES conditions favouring  Poland, Slovakia, Hungary,  Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina.

JOJK NHK1 Kanazawa via Wajima 1584  e, full data nice pdf-QSL card for f-up.  The QSL was protected with long password, which I got in the second e-mail.

Radio Western, Daru 3305 via FB for an old recording, station has been long time only on medium waves and FM.

CHRF Montreal QC 980 e for f-up, pdf-QSL card, the first Matthew Borgo, Broadcast technician had ever made. The station was on the air from 2 February 2015 till 31st March 2020.

Radio Skala, Ugljevik 96.8 via FB and e-mail

Radio Banska Kosa, Beli Manastir 96.9  via FB

BH Radio 1. Majevica -tx, 93.7, BH Radio 1. Vlašić-tx 97.0 e, v/s Mensur Petrović

Retro Rádió, Budapest tx  103.3, Retro Rádió, Kab-hegy tx 100.5 via FB

Korona FM100, Kalocsa 100.0 via FB, journalist that had been on air verified my report and said they had read my letter on air.

Nova. Sønder Højrup tx 93.4 e, v/s Mikkel Westerkam

Radio Best FM 91.0,  93.8 , 96.5  via FB.  Same evening Slovakia – Finland ice-hockey match and v/s was hoping Slovakia to win the game…

Malmökanalen FM 89,2, Malmö  89.2 e, v/s Steve