BBC Radio Merseyside 1485,
Wallasey 1485. When BBC closed the transmitter of
BBC Radio Merseyside the station carried loop announcements giving the frequency. V/s Andy Ball
HLKQ KBS Cheongju 1062. Surprise e-mail directly from the station. Attached
was an e-QSL. I have heard their local
call identification several times, this report dates back to October AIH123.
Radio Oberösterreich. Saltzburg tx 100.8, Schärding tx 99.5 MHz V/s Rudolf Mair promised
to send me two QSL cards.
Welle 1, Salzburg. Salzburg -tx 106.2, Messenger
Color Music Radio, Český Krumlov tx
92.5 e, v/s Miroslav Pýcha
Evropa 2
Zapad. Plzeň-tx
101.3 I heard their regional programme
for west (Zapad). PDF-QSL card
rbb 88.8. Berlin tx. 88.8 v/s from
Thorsten Pappe
Bayern 1 Schwaben. Grunten tx 90.7, e-QSL
Bayern 1 Oberbayern. Hohenpeißenberg -tx. 92.8 e-QSL
Berliner Rundfunk 91.4. Cottbus tx 102.2 e
PSR Chemnitz, Chemnitz -tx 100.0 two e-mails verifying that I heard local
commercials for Chemnitz area.
RADIONL, Emmen-tx 89.9 e, v/s Ivo
Pasveer, DJ RADIONL & Joy Radio