BBC WS Bigara 1575 I used the BBC WS new e-QSL service and attached my audio file. Their fq list did not include 1575 so I included in remarks section that I had listened to 1575 kHz from Mauritius.  Not the best kind of QSL, but earlier BBC sent letters stating that they do not QSL….

HIMS R Cristal International, Santo Domingo

5010  I found old recording where they broadcasted the program of Radio Pueblo. Radio Pueblo still exists. I got a long Messenger letter verifying my report.  The program I listened :” programa se realizaba los sábados de 17:00 a 23:00 hora estándar del este, el locutor es Santos Severino”. It has been long time they were on SW:” En la onda corta usamos un tx Harris a válvulas 833 en modulación y un 3CX2500F3, en la salida que también tiene mucho consumo que por esta razón hemos tenido que apagarlo”.

Joe. Oud-Turnhout-tx. 90.6 Messenger from this Belgian station.

Country Radio Východ, Pardubice tx 96.8  I had  heard regional commercials and identification and got e and MP3 audio file containing the same ads  from Vernet Kuba.  Second e-mail from Martin Hroch, he promised to send a QSL card.  Third e-mail verification from Albrecht Miroslav.

Rado Blanik Střední Čechy, Votice tx 90.5; Rádio Blaník Střední Morava 105.4 Two regional Blanik statiosn verified via Mesenger, v/s Kateřina

R Plusz, Marcali tx 88.0 Messenger verification in Hungarian

Magyar Katolikus Rádió 96.4 e in Finnish, v/s Robert Tajti. Tnx Jari L!

Jurnal FM, Bălți tx 91.0 e, v/s Vlad Marcoci. I heard this Moldovan station using pso’s remote web radio (tnx). Lso verification via Messenger.

RMF Maxxx, Inowrocław (KP), Inowrocław tx. 90.8  I heard local program, Krzysztof Głowiński

Rzecznik Prasowy Grupy RM verified my report by e-mail.

National FM, Bistrita tx 93.4 e, v/s Marian Dicu, technical manager National FM radio network

BBC Radio Tees 95.0 e, v/s Anthony Collins

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