More QSLs in January:
Radio Attiva, Media Veneta
Radio, Piove di Sacco 1278 e-mail
RNE RN Malaga 729 e-mail from Malaga
RNE RN Granada 774 e-mail from Granada stating that on air was “ nuestra
compañera Mayte Frontiñán contando las noticias de Granada.”
JOVK NHK1 Hakodate 675, letter, QSL-card, v/d Natsumi Ozeki, Public
Relations Section, Sapporo Regional Headquarters, Japan Broadcasting
Corporation, 9-1-5 Kita1- jonishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-8703
LU9 Radio Mar del Plata,
Mar del Plata BA 670 via Messsenger
HCBD1 R Monumental, Quito 1510 On air
verification. I send my audio clip to the DJ on air while watching and
listening their live programme on Facebook. And I saw the locutora listening to
her phone and reading something. And
soon I got greetings and verification stating that yes it was really Monumental
I had listened to. Later I listened and
recorded the verification from their FB page where the program was stored.