New QSLs: 

Radio Centrale Milano, Alessandria 1575  Messenger and later e-mail and e-QSL

BBC Radio Ulster 873, Enniskillen. &

BBC Radio Ulster 1341, Lisnagarvey.  Letter and 5 pencils for f-up. V/s Colin Regan, Operations Manager – News.  I had heard closing announcements of these station.

BBC Radio Newcastle 1458, Wrekenton 1458 e for f-up, v/s  Sam Thomson, News Editor.  I had heard their closing announcements.

RNE RN Lleida 612, letter, QSL, stickers, v/s Luis Jover, Técnico de sonido RNE Lleida

RNE RN Huelva 855 e from Huelva

RNE RN Melilla, Melilla 972 e-mail

Qinghai Xīnwén Zònghé Guǎngbò, Darlag County/ Guide County/ Haiyan County QH 621 &

Qinghai Xīnwén Zònghé Guǎngbò, Dulan County/Henan Monggol Autonomous County /Xining City/Zhidoi County  QH 666 &

Qinghai Xinwen Zonghe Guangbo, Conghe County/Maqên County QH

1017 e-mail from Qinghai verified these stations, but Tibetan channel stations were not mentioned in the letter.

DZRB Radio Pilipinas Quezon City 738 e, pictures

WLOB Portland ME 1310 e, v/s J. Morgan Grumbach, Local Sales Manager WJJB/WPEI/WLOB

KPRK Livingston MT 1340 &

KMMS Bozeman MT 1450 Messenger

WBAE Portland ME 1490, e v/s Phil Zachary, President/Market Manager, Portland Radio Group

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